The final result! Ended up taking a bit more time and effort than expected but I'm really happy with the miniature. It fits right in alongside the rest of the army and for a 3D print 31mm tall the fidelity and detail it printed raw was really impressive. Much of that fidelity got lost sadly with my print-line filling process but if that can be refined it shows great promise for use in the future.
Even for someone with zero previous experience, the concept of kitbashing a 3D sculpt was surprisingly easy to get my head around. With the vast amount of free models provided on thingiverse the options it opens up are fantastic.
All that said I don't see FDM printing as a viable option for churning out foot troops and the like. I feel like it's greatest strength is in providing the framework to help you get closer to those weird idea's and conversions you have had kicking around the back of your mind as well as terrain.
I do expect that to change in the future though and am interested to see how 3D printing advancements evolve the tabletop hobby!
Above are some WIP shots of the base, the rocks are pine bark with milliput and small rocks to smooth the transition. Added a few small shrooms, made with leftover greenstuff used on the Rathound. Texture was a mix of backyard dirt, sand, tile grout and coconut fibre. Wetblended a bunch of browns and greys, drybrushed with ivory and then washed with cammoshade/agrax/nuln splashes. For the vegetation some armypainter tufts and bits of dried moss stuck into bush/shrub-like shapes. They also got some washes before attaching the model.